What are the most common skin problems, and how to treat them?

The number of dermatological cases has increased a lot in recent years. Gone are the days when people usually used to suffer from rashes and common allergies. Instead, nowadays, diseases like psoriasis and melasma have become so common that doctors are concerned over this growing number. 

Owing to this, people must know more about the problems they can suffer from and the best ways to treat these problems. 

What are the most common causes of skin problems?

The first thing that we will discuss is the causes of skin problems. With this, you will understand how you can suffer from dermatological issues. 

  1. Microbial infection: Most skin problems occur due to fungal and bacterial infections. When your skin sweats, it traps the microbes in the skin pores, leading to skin diseases. The types of viral infection are, however, fewer. 

  2. Exposure to UV rays: Undoubtedly, prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause several skin problems, like darkened patches, lesions, and so on.

  3. Contact with allergies: Several skin diseases also occur when the person comes in contact with several allergens like pollen grains, dust, etc.

  4. Drug abuse: When people use a specific drug for a prolonged time, they can suffer from drug allergies. Apart from this, the use of the wrong ointment or skin can also cause rashes and irritation in the skin. 

What are some of the skin problems that can occur?

Although the list of skin problems is long, we have discussed only a couple of them so that you can at least have an idea about the dermatological process. 

  1. Contact dermatitis: It is caused due to exposure to allergens

  2. Heat rashes: When the skin sweats a lot and is exposed to heat, rashes can develop in the skin

  3. Eczema: It happens due to the skin becoming dry 

  4. Psoriasis: This happens when the immune cells attack the healthy skin cells 

  5. Chromhidrosis: It is a skin condition that changes the skin color due to the application of dyes

How do dermatologists examine these skin problems?

If you suffer from these skin problems, visiting a dermatologist is essential. Once you visit the doctor, they will use different techniques to diagnose the problem. Some of these methods are:

  1. Biopsy: Removal and examination of the skin layer under the microscope

  2. Dermoscopy: Use of a dermoscopy to check the skin lesions

  3. Diascopy: Pressing a skin layer in between slides to check color change

  4. Skin patch test: Application of reagents and dyes to check the allergic reactions

What are the clinical treatments for dermal issues?

The main ways to solve and prevent the common dermal issues are: 

  1. Application of moisturizers to hydrate the skin and prevent lesions, psoriasis, and eczema

  2. Consumption of antibiotics to treat skin problems caused due to bacterial and fungal infections

  3. Anti-fungal ointments and creams to reduce fungal infections and yeast functions

  4. Laser skin resurfacing is used to remove the skin layers one by one 

  5. Steroid injections to treat skin problems immediately and prevent any further recurrence 

How do we prevent skin diseases?

There are specific ways in which skin diseases can be prevented. Here, we have listed some of the best ways in which you can eliminate the chances of suffering from these skin problems. 

  1. Always keep your skin hydrated with moisturizing lotions and body oil.

  2. Try to avoid long-time exposure to the sun.

  3. Use sunscreen to prevent UV rays from damaging you when you go out in the sun. 

  4. You can use homemade masks and apply them to the skin to prevent infections. 


This blog has discussed everything you need to know about dermal problems and their solutions. This way, you can easily prevent the appearance of skin issues with ease. If by chance you suffer from any of the skin problems, do contact the dermatologist in an instant. 

DermatologySohaib Khan