How the intensive care unit works as a saviour of million of lives

Intensive care unit

People who get admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are critically ill and need intense specialized care. ICUs are designed to provide ventilation, high-tech treatments, medications to support blood pressure, and close monitoring from doctors and nurses in order to help the patient survive. Since its inception in India in the 1970s, the ICU has become an integral part of the hospital health system.

An ICU is an organized system for providing an enhanced capacity for monitoring critically ill patients and multiple modalities of physiological organ support to sustain life during a period of life-threatening organ system insufficiency/failure. So, now that you know what an ICU is let’s understand the functions of this hospital department and how it saves lives.

Under Which Conditions Are Patients Referred To The ICU?

The intensive care unit of a hospital provides emergency support and immediate care for sudden and critical health problems of the patients who need it. Patients affected by accidents with serious injuries, trauma, serious infections, and patients who undergo invasive surgery or people having difficulty breathing may be referred to the ICU.

Here are some of the common conditions that are treated in the ICU:

●        Organ failure

●        Chest pain with difficulty breathing

●        Heart attack

●        Sudden internal pain in the body

●        Asthma

●        Drug-resistant infections

●        Premature birth

●        Pneumonia

●        Serious accidents include car accidents, burns, falls, or industrial accidents.

Who Are The Members Of An Intensive Care Team?

Highly trained professionals provide intensive care. They are specially trained to look after critically ill patients in emergency cases. All team members may be asked to teach patients and their families various strategies to improve health and well-being specific to their area of expertise. The strength of the team includes:

  • Intensivists

  • Critical care Nurses

  • Clinical Pharmacologist

  • Dietician

  • Patient-care Co-ordinator

  • Physiotherapist

  • ICU Technicians

Types Of Equipment Used In ICUs

For intensive care, hospitals arrange for various machines and tools to prepare for any critical condition. From measuring blood to specialized devices to monitor patients and help treat the patient. There are various types of equipment like Ventilator, ET tube, NIV, HFNC, Cardiac Monitor, and many more. Some of them are discussed below.

  • High-flow Nasal Cannula

A high flow nasal cannula is used for delivering a high concentration of oxygen to the patients. This therapy is an oxygen supply system that can deliver up to 100% humidified and heated oxygen at a flow rate of up to 60 liters per minute. The oxygen is routed through a humidifier to ensure it is moist and does not dry the airways.

  • Non-Invasive Ventilation(NIV)

Non-Invasive ventilation is used for breathing support administered through a facial mask, nasal mask, or a helmet. Oxygen-added air is given through the mask with a specified pressure. The mask is secured tightly with the patient to ensure proper functioning. NIV is only for conscious patients to take breadth comfortably. Although sometimes NIV is used to try and prevent ventilation, sometimes it might be needed for a patient who just comes off the ventilator.

  • Ventilator

A ventilator is a machine mainly used in ICUs. This machine passes breathable air into and out of the lungs to make breadth easy for a patient who has difficulty breathing. It has different settings to meet the needs of a patient. The nurse at the bedside adjusts its settings according to the patient’s condition and requirement.


The ICU of a hospital is where only the most critical patients go, and thanks to modern medical science and the extreme hard work of medical professionals, a significant part of the people administered in the ICU come back to health. If you or your loved ones are currently suffering from any critical illness and you need a trustable and quality hospital that is able to provide the quality healthcare your family member deserves, be sure to visit Medipulse hospital in Jodhpur for the best ICU medical care.