Posts in Pulmonology
Dangers of sleep apnea when left untreated.

Whether you are having difficulty breathing or snoring, you shouldn't leave the medical condition untreated for a long time. Often people ignore the dangerous signs of such health conditions, thinking that

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PulmonologySohaib Khan
Everything you need to know about sleep apnea

These problems are common in many individuals, from snoring to sleeping with wide open mouths. It mainly happens due to a medical condition termed sleep apnea. In this condition, the nasal passage is

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Pulmonology, ENTSohaib Khan
What Should You Know About Bronchoscopy Before Getting One?

With advancements in the field of medical science, new diagnostic processes have been invented that can be used to study the body and its problems from the inside. For the first time in history, doctors now have

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Bronchoscopy In Jodhpur - What Questions To Ask Your Pulmonologist

If you have been advised to take a bronchoscopy test, chances are you’ve been suffering from a persistent cough or breathing trouble. A little more severe reason for bronchoscopy could be an abnormal chest X-ray

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Pulmonary function test - what is it used for?

Pulmonary Function Test or PFT is a non-invasive medical procedure used for checking how your lung works. Usually, PFTs are done as a part of routine checkups in an otherwise healthy individual, or they are

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Post-COVID impact on lungs

COVID-19 has always been a very serious illness, especially due to its effects on the patient's lungs. In the initial COVID infection, patients suffer from problems such as pneumonia to acute respiratory distress symptoms (ARDS).

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Know and manage your acute asthma attack easily

Acute asthma attack, also known as asthma exacerbation in medical terminology, is one common ailment primarily found in adults, in which the airways leading to one’s lungs are swollen, due to which muscles around

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Symptoms of COVID-19 : All minor and major ones covered

Given the severity of the effects of coronavirus, one should be aware of the perfect timing as and when he/she is exposed to the deadly virus. To get a nerve of this, the after-effects of exposure to coronavirus is quite a versatile one, which directly or indirectly affects almost the whole body of a person.

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Instructions to follow after detection of symptoms of COVID-19

Given that COVID-19 is an airborne disease that can spread very rapidly, it is recommended to take utmost care and follow physical distancing as religiously as possible. This is one disease which can happen to anyone – no matter how much you take care of yourself, one single mistake and you are bound to get the disease by that loophole.

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Precautionary measures to prevent COVID-19

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic broke down, the first and the most sought after thing everyone is waiting for, is the most suitable vaccine, in order to curb the spread of coronavirus. However, until the much-required vaccine breaks covers, the only solution to reduce the possibility of spreading of the virus is nothing but precaution from the same.

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It’s Time for a Fact-Check about COVID-19

While being quarantined, most of the people are hooked to social media. While such platforms are providing individuals sitting at home 24 x7 with a way to spend their time, it is also one of the media of spreading myths about the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus Pandemic: Here is What You Need to Know

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease spread by a virus that initially affects the human respiratory system. The disease was first identified in the year 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since then, the virus has spread globally, affecting lakhs of individuals. Due to its high incidence & high transmission rate, the WHO declared this disease as a pandemic.

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