Post-COVID impact on hair

Post-COVID impact on hair

Most commonly, you will hear about the symptoms of patients that are suffering from COVID-19. The symptoms that patients go through after or during their recovery from this disease are not discussed as much. Excessive hair fall is one of the symptoms that people recovering from COVID-19 face. Let’s take a look into the cause of this hair fall and how long it takes for your body to recover from these COVID recovery symptoms.

Hair Fall Post-COVID

COVID-19 is a very dangerous disease for your body. Your heart, brain, and almost all the other systems and organs in your body go through a really strenuous and painful recovery that takes a very long time. Hair fall is something that you might be already facing in your everyday life, but post-COVID hair fall is different. Here are some of the reasons COVID recovery hair fall differs from regular day-to-day hair fall caused by lifestyle, environmental, and dietary problems.

Causes of Post-COVID Hair fall

The sheer magnitude of people that have reported post-COVID hair fall has led to clinical studies worldwide. Doctors around the world have reported that loss of hair post-viral illnesses such as COVID-19 is not uncommon. The trauma and stress that is faced by the body and patient in case of viral illnesses can contribute to an abnormal rate of hair fall.

The SARS-COV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, actually affects most of the vital organs in your body. This causes high levels of inflammation inside your body which leads to infections inside the body. These infections, in turn, cause harm to your hair follicles and stop the growth of new hair. It also sends the existing hair to the dead phase, which the body then sheds in the form of hair fall. These are the reasons why you face a serious amount of hair fall post-COVID.

How long does it take for the hair fall to stop post-COVID

Even when you test negative from COVID-19, your body still takes months to recover fully from this disease. This is only for the immediate symptoms that are at risk to the normal functioning of your body. When it comes to hair fall, experts and doctors have announced that it takes at least 6-9 months for patients to recover fully from post-COVID hair fall problems. However, faster results can be seen in patients depending on the severity of the infection that they have faced. Taking good care of your health and especially your hair health is the only thing you can do to expedite your recovery from post-COVID hair fall.


Hair fall and other post-COVID symptoms are less discussed, but they are also serious, and treating them is necessary to help you recover from COVID. Getting proper medical care in your recovery phase for COVID is crucial to ensure that you can recover faster and better. Medipulse hospital can help you best recover from COVID-19 with guided treatment plans based on your infection rate and risk factors to help you best recover from the disease. As the best private hospital in Jodhpur, Medipulse hospital is well-equipped to help you recover from COVID as soon as possible and ensure that you are not reinfected by the disease again with COVID vaccinations when the time is right.