Dr. Deepak Beniwal
Consultant Orthopedics
Dr. Deepak Beniwal is an esteemed Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in joint replacement surgery and trauma care. His extensive background is reinforced by a profound understanding of medical terminology, a skill set that ensures effective communication with medical professionals and patients. Dr. Beniwal is adept at operating intricate medical and surgical equipment, a critical competency enhancing diagnostic and treatment outcomes. His ability to strategically manage emergency patients sets him apart, as he often takes the lead in crisis scenarios. Dr. Beniwal's leadership qualities and troubleshooting skills make him an invaluable asset to any medical team, exemplifying a blend of technical expertise and human empathy.
MS (Orthopedics)
+ Appointment
- Senior registrar (Orthopaedic Surgery)in Deep chand bandhu hospital, New Delhi.
- Senior registrar (Orthopaedic Surgery)in Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi.
- Senior registrar (Orthopaedic Surgery)in BLK institute for Bone, Joint replacement, Orthopaedics spine and Sports medicine, BLK-Max, New Delhi.
- Attending consultant (Orthopaedic Surgery) in BLK institute for Bone, Joint replacement, Orthopaedics spine and Sports medicine, BLK-Max, New Delhi.
- Fellow (Dr. Vikram I Shah, Shalby Arthrolplasty Team) in Shalby Multi-Specialty Hospitals, Ahmedabad.
+ Expertise
- Experience of 2000 joint replacement surgeries as a Junior consultant (joint replacement surgery) in shalby Multispecialty hospital jaipur.
- Experience of 1 and 1/2 year senior residentship in NIMS medical College jaipur.
+ Languages
- Hindi
- English
+ Contact
Medipulse, E-4, MIA, Basni-II, Jodhpur - 342005 (Raj.)
E-Mail Address: dr.pvermaortho@gmail.com
Mobile No.: +918824714361
+ Membership / Other academic activities
- Member of ROSACON since 2018.
- Acted as Registrar
- Acted as Incharge of Post Graduate Teaching for the academic year 2017-2018 for my Department.
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