Which doctor should you see after being diagnosed with diabetes?

Diagnosed With Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and serious diseases affecting people of all ages today. According to studies, 1 in every 11 people in India is formally diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases and a boatload of other health problems exponentially. If it is left unchecked, diabetes can cause significant health malfunctions that can even lead to your death. 

So, what can you do? Well, there are various telltale symptoms of diabetes that you must get your blood work done if you are going through. Based on your reports, you need proper medical support to help you keep your diabetic levels in check. But, which doctor should you visit, a specialist or a general doctor? Let’s find out!

Who should you visit after being diagnosed with diabetes, a general physician or an endocrinologist?

There are no simple answers to this question. The decision must be based on your age, sex, blood test reports, and symptoms. If you are of advanced age with poor reports that doctors suspect might exist for a long time, you need to visit a specialist. On the contrary, if you are young and have just been diagnosed with diabetes for the first time, you might get by with a visit to a general physician. 

The doctor you need to see genuinely depends on the severity of your case and your current condition. However, there are certain situations apart from just the severity of your case that you can use to determine whether you should visit an endocrinologist or not.

4 situations when you should consult with an endocrinologist for your diabetes diagnosis

Doctor’s recommendation

One of the most apparent times you should visit a specialist (endocrinologist) for your diabetes diagnosis is when your general physician recommends you. This recommendation might be because they evaluate that your case is advanced, and a specialist is required to best treat your condition.

Communication errors

As doctors are human beings, sometimes general physicians might be unable to properly understand or communicate with you regarding your symptoms of diabetes or other related health problems. In such situations, it is in your best interest to consult a specialist who would understand you better because they deal with the problems you face daily. A specialist would be able to listen and address your concerns more accurately, allowing you to heal faster.

Difficulty managing your condition

Uncontrollable diabetes is a significant signal to consult with a specialist immediately. Diabetes is a complex disease that can severely affect various parts of your body, such as your eyes, nerves, and kidneys. So, if your condition is in control even after lifestyle changes and medication, you should consider consulting a specialist.

Treatment inefficacy

Diabetes is a complicated disease, and the treatment process can vary drastically from person to person. If the course of treatment recommended by your general physician is ineffective in keeping your condition in control, you might want to consult a specialist. This is mainly because a specialist would be able to zero in on your diabetes condition and create a treatment plan curated for you, which has a higher chance of helping you recover.


Diabetes is a serious issue, and whether you consult a specialist or a general physician, you should always get medical help when diagnosed with diabetes. Finding the right doctor who understands you and treats your condition in a convenient way is much like finding a soulmate. So, you should try to find yours in a place that offers multiple doctors and specialists, like Medipulse hospital in Jodhpur. Known for its experienced endocrinologists, Medipulse hospital is the best hospital in Rajasthan for diabetes treatment.

DiabetesSohaib Khan