How to Prevent Cancer or Find It Early?

Cancer is one of the most dreadful diseases known to humanity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer ranks second in the world among the leading causes of death. When cells of our organs or tissues start to divide uncontrollably, and the malignancy spreads to other body parts, the resulting disease is called cancer. It is a disease that can affect almost any organ or tissue within an individual's body. Normal cells of the body transform into cancerous neoplastic cells induced by some carcinogenic agents. X-Ray, Gamma Ray, UltraViolet Radiation cause DNA damage which leads to neoplastic transformation. Lung Cancer is caused due to tobacco smoke.

Cancer is a serious threat to everyone, and it should not be taken lightly. Cancer is a terminal disease that can affect people at any age. This is why to stay safe; you must follow these eight critical steps to prevent the formation of cancer in your body.

8 Important Steps To Follow For Cancer Prevention

●      Avoid Tobacco

Avoid Tobacco

Using tobacco is one of the leading causes of cancer. There is evidence that smoking causes various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix, and kidney. Those who chew tobacco are at a greater risk of cancers in the oral cavity and pancreas. Even secondary smoking increases your risk of lung cancer. Never smoking or changing your habit of using tobacco is essential in protecting yourself from cancer.

●      Maintain a healthy diet


Consuming nutritious foods and maintaining a balanced healthy diet can reduce your risk. Keep many fruits and green vegetables on your diet because they are rich in fibre and nutrients and contain low-fat levels. You should also limit your processed and red meats consumptions. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that eating a lot of processed meat increases your cancer risk.

●      Maintain a Healthy BMI


Being overweight is harmful to your health as it not only puts you at risk of cancer, but it also puts you at risk of a bunch of other diseases. According to some research, fat cells release substances that promote the growth of cancer cells. Therefore it is better to choose low-calorie foods and also control your sugar intake. This will help you maintain a healthy BMI and prevent diseases such as cancer.

●      Be physically active


Exercise helps to reduce some hormone levels like estrogen and insulin. As a result, it keeps you healthy and lowers your risks of diseases like breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney cancer. At least 30 minutes of exercise each day is recommended, but more is even better. Even on a busy schedule, it is advised to exercise lightly whenever possible.

●      Don't overindulge in alcohol.


Limit your alcohol consumption. Drinking excessively increases your cancer risk. Cancers of the breast, colon, lung, kidney, and liver can occur due to high alcohol consumption. Moderation is important even when you drink. Alcohol has other negative impacts on your health as well, so it is crucial that you understand the risks involved and avoid alcohol as much as possible.

●      Ensure enough Sun Protection


One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer. Ultraviolet rays from the sun cause damage to your skin, which often leads to skin cancer. You should avoid sun exposure as best possible during the day because, during this time, the sun rays are the strongest. While staying outdoors, seek shade, use sunglasses and hats as much as possible. You should wear loose-fitting clothes that cover the majority of your skin. Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or more, reapply sunscreen every 2 hours. Apply sunscreen generously all over your exposed areas, and never forget to reapply after excessive sweating or swimming. These practices can help you reduce your risk of skin cancer.

●      Proper Vaccination


Hepatitis B increases the risk of liver cancer. So proper vaccination is required. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a disease that is transmitted sexually. It increases the chance of cervical cancer as well as other genital cancer. Therefore HPV vaccination is necessary to prevent such cases.

●      Avoid risks


Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, HPV increase your odds of having cancer. Those with HIV or AIDS are at a greater risk of lung cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer. Never share needles, blades, razors, or other personal items because they can infect you with HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C and lead to liver cancer.

How Can You Detect Early Signs of Cancer?


When you detect cancer early, in most cases, it lowers the chances of the spread of cancer and the condition becoming potentially fatal. There are many screening tests for various types of cancer.

●        Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy: With these tests' help, abnormal colon growths (polyps) can be detected and removed before cancer develops.

●        Low-dose helical computed tomography: This test is used as a screening device for lung cancer.

●        Mammography: A screening test for breast cancer among women.

●        Pap test: Screening test to identify cervical cancer.

Regular screening tests can increase the chances of discovering cancer early and provides treatment with a fair chance to be successful. Ask your doctor for the details and schedule your tests.

OncologyHoney Mathur