Why is Home Care better than a nursing home – benefits explained

For all the emotional and physical connection a home offers, most of us prefer our homes as our last resort of memories and comfort. No matter how much you might love the outside world for the beauty of nature or the glitz of urban jungle, for most, there is no place like our homes when it comes to sheer peace of mind.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us realize the importance of our homes and our families in our lives even for the fact that many of us were taking these luxuries for granted. There are many aspects of our lives, including our work, which can be controlled from the comfort of our homes. One of such aspects is health care.

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In recent times, home health care services have found their footing very rapidly, thus giving many people the option of taking care of their health with all the optimum solutions which are available at all the hospitals. There are many reasons, which prove that home health care services are proving to be better alternatives to hospitals and nursing homes. Following are ten such advantages:-

●        Faster recovery – Thanks to the presence of nurses and other trained professionals along with those of the family members and loved ones, a patient tends to show signs of recovery faster at his/her home, rather than in a hospital. In case of a major ailment, a patient can be relieved from hospital sooner, if he/she wishes to choose the option of home health care services.

●        A feasible option for hospital – While in previous times, there were not many facilities which can be operated from the comfort of our homes, with the hospitals being the last resort in case of even a minor ailment. However, thanks to the era of digitalization and better facilities, a home can be converted into a hospital, with all the trained medical professionals and even some of the required tests being conducted at one’s home itself.

●        Involvement of family members in treatments – At hospitals, due to the presence of many other patients and other restrictions and regulations, the family members of a patient are refrained from the treatment procedures most of the time. However, thanks to home health care services, the family members can now be directly involved in various practices like administering medicines, physical therapies and giving them more emotional support.

●        Sense of independence – Sometimes, hospitals do impose unwarranted restrictions on both patients as well as family members when it comes to various practices like meeting hours, diet, etc. However, in case of home health care services, there is a controlled but fine sense of independence, and that too, under proper medical consultation from professionals.

●        Sense of comfort – There are many people who can’t find a level of rest and comfort anywhere in the world as they get in their homes. For such people, and in general, home does give a lot of sense of familiarity and comfort, for they are well versed with the surroundings and environment. Such a thing helps in recovering them faster, as they find an emotional connect with them.

●        Presence of family and friends – Apart from visiting hours, hospitals sometimes imposes restrictions on the number of people meeting the patients. There might be some loved ones who want to meet the patient, but unfortunately, step back due to restrictions of hospitals. Home health care services do lose such restrictions by a fine margin.

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●        Morale boosting – Given the sense of familiarity a patient gets in his home in the presence of his/her loved ones or family members, the morale of the patient boosts up significantly. This thing can be very essential, as in most of the cases, it does make the recovery procedure faster.

●        Costs – Nowadays, treatments and medications in many private hospitals have somehow become much more expensive than what they actually should be. From that point of view, the home health care services do cut off these costs by as much as 66 per cent, which definitely digs a less deep hole in one’s pockets.

Thanks to the fast rising popularity of home health care services, many service providers are now offering additional benefits apart from trained professionals, like emotional companionship, homemakers, volunteers, nutritionists, etc. If you are seeking home care services in Jodhpur or western part of Rajasthan, one can check Medipulse which has a diversified staff  to handle different requirements in an effective manner.