Things to know before you schedule Covid’s third vaccination dose

After the initial Delta virus strains caused the massacre in several countries, another new Covid strain, the Omicron, came into existence. According to WHO, Omicron is far more transmissible than the previous strains. However, it wouldn't pose a huge danger. While that was a relief for many people, the healthcare professionals declared that only two doses of Covid vaccines wouldn't be enough to keep everyone safe.

The third vaccine dose, also termed a booster dose, has been initiated. It has to be administered after 9 months from the second vaccine. It will act as a booster, increasing the body's immunity against the new strains. As its activity is a bit different from the main first two doses, there are certain things you must be aware of before you schedule the vaccination.

The following article explains what things you must do and what you shouldn't before the scheduled booster dose vaccination.

What is the importance of getting the third Covid vaccine dose?

Things to know before you schedule Covid’s third vaccination dose 1

After administering the first doses of the Covid virus, our body remains immune to the severe infectious stage. People who tested positive after taking the second dose suffered mild impacts. The threat to life was reduced considerably. But with time, our bodies have started to lose the protective nature against the virus. As a result, we are at a higher risk of getting infected and suffering from severe complications.

This is why we need to get the third dose so that our body gets back its immune power against the virus. Even if we get infected, we will be safe from the severe symptoms that can put our life at risk.

Can a sick person get the third dose of the Covid vaccine?

A sick person cannot get the third dose of the Covid vaccine. If you have a mild cough or light fever, you also need to wait till the condition resolves and then get a certification from your doctor. When getting the dose administered, you should show a doctor's certificate to avoid having to face any problems or adverse effects.

What should be the diet for taking the third Covid vaccine dose?

You need to follow certain rules and regulations before you schedule vaccination for yourself. The major changes will be in your everyday diet because, according to several healthcare professionals, the effectiveness of the third Covid vaccine greatly depends on your diet routine.

Things to know before you schedule Covid’s third vaccination dose

So, here are some of the foods you should eat:

  • You must include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet as they have large quantities of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which will keep your body safe against the adverse effects of the third dose.

  • Try to increase your water uptake because if your body is dehydrated, the third dose may cause discomfort, especially dizziness.

  • Also, do not take the vaccine on an empty stomach, which will instantly weaken you and make you feel dizzy. Some people have even reported having blurred vision and loss of balance.

Things to know before you schedule Covid’s third vaccination dose

What shouldn't you do before taking the Covid third dose?

There are certain things that you must refrain yourself from completely before taking the third dose. These are:

  • Do not consume alcohol or any hard drink at least before one month of taking the dose.

  • Make sure to maintain a healthy diet so that you won't have to face any adverse issues later.

  • If you are suffering from any sickness, do not schedule the vaccination.

  • If you have caught the infection recently and wish to schedule vaccination right after one month, get a doctor's certification.


About 20% of the population has received the third dose and has shown positive results. Due to the huge time gap, it has become easier for the government to retain enough vaccine supplies and avoid the crisis, and if you want you can also visit Medipulse hospital or can consult with our Doctors to get the best and most updated information regarding Covid-19.