How to detect kidney stone

Medically termed as nephrolithiasis, the formation of kidney stones is one of the most common ailments in adults. Scientifically, these stones formed in kidneys are known as renal calculi, which are basically hard substances formed of salts and minerals made up of calcium and uric acid in your body.

These stones create an obstruction of the flow of urine in the urinary system, or create blockages in the kidneys and hamper the basic functioning of them. The size of these stones is invariable, and can vary between a fraction of an inch to even the size of the whole kidney.

The first and foremost major effect of formation of stones in kidneys results in irregular functioning of the urinary system, of which there are many symptoms. Usually, one of every 20 adults around the world faces this condition once in their entire lifespan. Also, being a disease more common in men as compared to women, with the most prominent age group of patients being between 20 to 49 years of age.


Following are some of the very basic symptoms as per which one can detect the formation of kidney stones in his/her body:-

  • Pain in the lower back – If you are suffering from excruciating pain in your lower back, and it is not going off even after a change in body postures while sitting, standing or even laying on your bed, it signals that your kidney(s) is suffering from the formation of kidney stones within.

  • Pain in abdomen or groin – Not only in your lower back, but the pain caused by the formation of kidney stones can become more prominent and longing in terms of duration if it is caused in abdomen or regions surrounding groin. This pain usually waxes and wanes with time, and might vary in the degree of severity.

  • Nausea and vomiting – If you are suffering from sudden nausea or conditions of vomiting after suffering from continuous pain in lower back or abdomen, it is one clear sign of formation of kidney stones. It can be followed by pain which is usually very high in terms of severity.

  • Bloody urine – Kidney is one of the key organs of the urinary system of your body, and if there is formation of stones in your kidney(s), the process of formation of urine will eventually get disturbed. This will lead to the irregular formation of urine, which usually flows out with blood.

  • Fever and chills – The phenomenon of fever occurs due to a variety of reasons, and the formation of kidney stones too is one of them. If you are suffering from severe fever, accompanied with pain in lower back or abdomen or chills in your whole body, it is one clear indication of this medical emergency.

  • Lack or difficulty while urinating – Even after consumption of liquid (prominently water), even if you are not able to urinate as your usual frequency, it signals that your kidney(s) are unable to fully function for the required process in the urinary system of your body. In such cases, the flow of urine is obstructed by the stones formed within the kidney(s).

  • Penile/testicular pain – More prominently a condition faced by male individuals, if one is suffering from unusual pain in other parts surrounding the urinary system, like penis or testicles, it is perceived as a side effect of the ill-functioning of kidney(s) or urinary system in a whole.

While all of the aforementioned phenomena are usually perceived as prior symptoms of kidney stones, there are further in-depth processes and diagnosis which can further confirm the formation of kidney stones and make way for the treatment processes.

The first step of the diagnosis of kidney stones is the conduction of imaging tests, as per which a non-contrast CT scan is done in an emergency room. Conduction of these tests usually confirms the exact reason which is causing the lower back and abdominal pain, which is one of the most common reasons for the formation of kidney stones.

If these tests signal a basic idea of confirmation of kidney stones, further processes like radiation and ultrasound as well as abdominal X-Rays are carried out, which give a further elaborative idea of the ill-functioning of the components and reasons behind the formation of kidney stones.


All these tests and treatment should be carried out under careful supervision as per the guidance and advises followed by concerned and well-trained medical professionals.

UrologyHoney Mathur