Chemotherapy in Rajasthan

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases that affect people in the world right now. Statistically, it has been seen that 1 in every 9 people in India lives with cancer risk and the probability of being affected by cancer at some point during their life. On average, around 4,40,000 people die from cancer in India every year. This number is projected to grow exponentially over the coming years.

Chemotherapy is one of the treatment options for cancer, and it is highly effective as well. Chemotherapy is one of the direct treatment plans for cancer. Chemotherapy is used to kill the cancer cells in your body, especially when the cancer is inside your body. Chemotherapy is one of the primary treatment options in certain cases of cancer. Let's take a closer look into what chemotherapy is and what its utility in treating cancer in today's world of medical science.

What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a medicinal treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy is administered with the intent to kill the cancer cells inside the body in the earlier stages of cancer. In later stages, chemotherapy is used to reduce the symptoms faced by the patient and to extend the lifespan of the patient. Chemotherapy is an extensive treatment plan that involves multiple chemotherapy sessions for an extended period of time to either completely kill and remove the cancer cells or to at least prolong the lifespan of the patient suffering by reducing the symptoms. Chemotherapy has its own side effects such as hair loss, sickness, tiredness, infections. Some of these symptoms, such as infections, are rare, but hair loss is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy.

How is Chemotherapy Performed?

As chemotherapy is a medication treatment, it can be performed in a number of ways. The effectiveness does not vary in the way the medication is administered. One of the most common ways to administer chemotherapy is by putting in a needle through the patient's vein and injecting the medicine directly into their bloodstream. Other than that, chemotherapy is also done through pills and other types of oral medications such as liquids. It can also be done by applying it directly on your skin as a cream.

Is Chemotherapy Painful?

This is one of the most common questions that patients ask when talking about chemotherapy. No, chemotherapy is not painful. If you are experiencing any pain, you should talk to the nurse and inform them about the area and severity of your pain immediately. In certain cases, when the chemo leaks or seeps into adjoining tissues, it can cause pain, but this is a rare occurrence.


Chemotherapy is one of the beaming hopes against cancer. Thousands of people in India survive cancer each year solely based on chemotherapy. If you or your loved ones are suffering from cancer, do not delay the treatment. For the most affordable and best quality chemotherapy treatment, be sure to contact MediPulse hospital in Jodhpur. MediPulse hospital is the best private hospital in Jodhpur, where you can find the best medical care and affordable treatment plans for cancer.

Cancer, OncologyHoney Mathur