Yoga poses you need to beware of during pregnancy

during pregnancy

Women go through many changes in their bodies and minds throughout pregnancy. This may be a time of immense delight and dread for the new life that is about to begin!

When you’re carrying a growing child, your body isn’t the same. Your internal organs move and squish together to create room for your expanding uterus. Furthermore, the hormone mix coursing through your blood causes your body to feel and respond in ways you may not be used to.

This is where yoga can help women maintain their physical and emotional health throughout pregnancy. Yoga offers several advantages during pregnancy, including strengthening your pelvic muscles and preparing your body for delivery, but there are particular yoga postures you should avoid while pregnant.

Is It Safe To Practice Yoga In Pregnancy?

during pregnancy

You can’t expect your body to go through all the problems and pain during pregnancy. However, you don’t have to give up your yoga practice entirely if you become pregnant if you already have one.

Many stances will be acceptable to continue, while others will need to be altered or eliminated. Therefore, here are some yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy.

a. Abdominal Work

Poses that press the abdomen tend to produce needless compression and increase your blood flow. In addition, such poses can worsen mechanical stresses on the body and lead to diseases like diastasis recti when the abdominal muscles split during pregnancy.

Some of these poses include:

  • Crow pose

  • Bicycles

  • Planks

  • Crunches


b. Twisting & Stretching

Twists aren't totally forbidden during pregnancy, contrary to popular belief. With your doctor's consent, open twists in the third trimester are usually OK and will most likely feel amazing.

Twisting should be performed from the shoulders rather than the abdomen. Continue to keep your entire baby bump open, not folding or bending in any way.

Some poses to avoid include:

  • Moon pose

  • Spinal twist

  • Boat pose

  • Tree pose

c. Jumping or Fast Flowing

Too much jumping and rapid postures during your first trimester may make you queasy. As a result, yoga positions that require a lot of hopping and movement should be avoided. Instead, restorative and grounding postures are helpful since they aid in fetal growth and the prevention of numerous issues.   

            Poses to avoid:

Any yoga movement which includes rapid movement or posturing

d. Lying Back

During pregnancy, lying on your back might make you feel sick, cause lower back discomfort, raise your blood pressure, and give you heartburn. Aside from that, resting on your back for lengthy periods might injure the vena cava, which can lead to various issues. The vena cava is a vein that returns deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart.

Poses to avoid:

  • Corpse Pose

  • Lying Down Body Twist

  • Boat Pose

  • Plough Pose

e. Heated Yoga

Some yoga positions are claimed to boost body temperature. As a result, it’s critical to understand how each yoga practice impacts our body. In addition, poses that increase body heat should be avoided throughout all three trimesters since they might dehydrate a pregnant woman.

Poses to avoid:

  • Kapalbhati (Breath of Fire Pose)

  • Headstand

  • Warrior Pose

  • Bikram Pose

f. Belly Down

Your internal organs are squeezed while your baby develops within your stomach. Therefore, any additional strain on your abdomen region might be hazardous to you and your developing baby. As a result, avoid any positions that require you to bend down or lie on your stomach.

Poses to avoid:

  • Swan Pose

  • Cobra Pose

  • Seated Forward Bend

  • Bow Pose 

Now You Know!

While doing yoga is great in general, it is suggested that you seek out the assistance of a prenatal yoga professional to help you better. For this you can consult a gynecologist. Or for more details you can vist Medipulse hospital website. Having said that, we hope you’ll make out the most of your yoga sessions with your child. All the best!