Five alarming reasons you should immediately visit your gynecologist & what to expect

visit your gynecologist

As a woman, your menstrual health is crucial for your overall well-being. Any problems in your menstrual cycle and fitness can lead to many complications with your reproductive system and even hamper your ability to have a child. So, for you to stay on top of your health, it is crucial for you to visit the gynecologist regularly.

But, in reality, most women don’t have the time for regular gynecologist visits. The consensus agrees on the point “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Even though it is the best practice, due to lack of time and interest in going to the doctor, women sometimes ignore severe symptoms as well. 

While some symptoms may be normal and not concerning, there are some symptoms that you should be worried about and get checked if they persist. Here are five gynecological symptoms that you should not ignore if they persist.

5 Symptoms For Which You Should Visit Your Ob-Gyn Immediately

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycle for Many Months in a Row

Your menstrual cycle is unique to you; even if it matches up with other women, the time it takes for your body to go through one cycle depends on your own cycle calculations. Sometimes, your period can be late due to various reasons, if you are a sexually active woman, the fear of pregnancy looms large, and the resulting stress can cause your periods to delay even further.

An irregular menstrual cycle, even though not the best for your health, is still quite normal and only concerning if it persists for months on end. You should go for an Ob-Gyn checkup, especially if your period irregularity is very extreme, meaning the period cycles are either very short or very long.

  • Persistent Severe Cramps

Cramps both pre and post-menstruation are quite normal for women. There are no right amount of cramps for anyone. For some, the cramps are very mild, if any, and for others, it is normal to experience excruciating cramps. So, if you are experiencing more cramps than your usual experience, persistent for more than a month at different times, either pre or post-menstruation or both, you should surely go for an Ob-Gyn checkup.

  • Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is something women get worried about, but it is quite normal and is caused naturally. As a self-cleansing organ, the discharge is expelled as the vagina cleans itself and protects itself against any form of bacteria and infections. Vaginal discharge can come in different amounts and colors. If you notice that you are suddenly experiencing a lot more discharge, or if the color, smell, or consistency of your vaginal discharge has changed drastically, you should go for an Ob-Gyn checkup.

  • Painful Intercourse

Your sex life or sexual experiences are closely linked with your menstrual and gynecological health. If you are experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, it can be linked with underlying gynecological problems. If you find it is creating problems in your sex life and overall life experience, you should go for an Ob-Gyn checkup. They can confirm if you are suffering from any condition or suggest ways to reduce the pain during intercourse.

  • Skipping Your Periods

Skipping your periods can be a major problem for your menstrual health if you are skipping periods constantly and multiple times a year. You should definitely go for an Ob-Gyn checkup in this case, as there are no reasons it can be good for your menstrual health. In the worst-case scenario skipping periods can lead to infertility and inability to have children, or it could very well be that you are currently pregnant, which is causing you to skip your periods. Either way, a checkup is absolutely necessary.

Final Thoughts

Being in touch and ahead of your menstrual health can help you lead a healthy and fulfilling life. In your busy schedule, make sure that you take some time to monitor your health and especially your menstrual health, as it links closely to your reproductive health overall. If you are currently experiencing any of the symptoms discussed in this article, you should visit Medipulse hospital, the best tertiary care hospital in Jodhpur, for the best gynecological treatment options.

GynaecologyHoney Mathur