Common Rashes: Types, Symptoms, Treatments, & More

Are you facing itchiness, redness, bumps, and irritation on your skin? Chances are it could be a rash on your skin that is causing it. As the skin is the largest organ of the body, it is susceptible to different types of rashes and other skin diseases. There are different types of rashes, all of which can cause a considerable amount of discomfort for the person suffering from it.


It is tough to get rid of any rashes, no matter which type it is. The wisest decision is to identify the skin condition as soon as you notice it so that it could be treated and cured immediately. Let us discuss all the details about identifying and treating some of the most commonly found skin rashes below.

5 Common Types of Rashes and Their Treatment

1.      Ringworm

  • Description: One of the most common skin conditions or infections found in people is ringworm. It is caused by a fungus which also causes another skin condition known as athlete’s foot. Ringworm gets its name from the circular shape it forms on the skin, often becoming red and cracked.

  • Symptoms: This type of skin rash is very itchy in nature and causes circular red areas on the skin in the affected areas. It can cause loss of hair, too, if it forms on the scalp.

  • Treatment: The best way to treat this type of infection is to take oral medications as prescribed by your doctor. Anti-fungal creams can also help you treat this skin rash, but be sure to consult your dermatologist before.

  • Prevention: This skin rash is contagious and can be caused by coming in touch with a person or surface that might contain this fungus. Avoid it by drying the groin area, skin folds and feet well.

2.     Eczema

  • Description: Eczema is an umbrella term used for various types of skin conditions that cause flaky, red, dry and crusty skin due to lack of moisture. It usually forms on places like elbows, knees, hands and feet.

  • Symptoms: Extremely itchy affected area. Other symptoms include dry, red and flaky patches of skin.

  • Treatment: If you are showing any symptoms of eczema, you should immediately consult with your dermatologist. They can prescribe you anti-itch lotions, anti-fungal medicated soaps, fragrance-free, and non-dyed soaps that can help you cure the affected area.

  • Prevention: You should avoid taking long and hot showers. You can apply moisturisers while your skin is still damp from the shower, as it will help the moisturiser penetrate through the skin quickly.

3.     Acne

  • Description: Acne is the most common type of skin condition occurring among teenagers and adults worldwide. It is characterised by red bumps or pimples on the forehead, face, chest and shoulders. It is caused by excess accumulation of oil, sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells in the pores of your skin.

  • Symptoms: Pimple-like red bumps often appearing along with blackheads, whiteheads and cysts. It can sometimes be itchy too.

  • Treatment: It is wise to consult with your dermatologist, who might provide you with prescription medications for your acne, depending on the severity and your age. Medical methods such as chemical peels can also be used to treat your acne to remove the top layer of your skin.

  • Prevention: Some of the most common ways you can prevent acne are by washing your face regularly with a gentle cleanser and using a moisturiser. Keeping your hands from touching your face often also helps with acne prevention.

4.      Psoriasis

  • Description: Psoriasis is defined as discoloured, thick, sore and dry patches of flaky skin. It is sometimes silver and flaky in nature which causes plaques that might appear on places like the face, palms, knees, elbows, back and feet.

  • Symptoms: Uneven raised plaques of skin, soreness, itchiness and a burning sensation.

  • Treatment: Psoriasis cannot be totally cured, but you can reduce it by consulting with a dermatologist and getting a prescription or over-the-counter medication.

  • Prevention: If you happen to have psoriasis in your genetics, you can keep it at bay by taking regular showers, moisturising your skin and getting sunlight regularly.

5.      Hives

  • Description: Hives are defined as uneven, raised, itchy welts that can be found on your skin. It is pink, red or flesh-coloured, and it can be caused by an allergic reaction from medication or food.

  • Symptoms: Pinkish, red or flesh coloured welts that suddenly appear on your skin.

  • Treatment: Get the type of hives you have, identified by your dermatologist and get prescribed antihistamines. Avoid using hot water for a shower that might irritate hives.

  • Prevention: Wear loose-fitted clothes and avoid humid areas.

Ending Note

It is advised to get your skin conditions treated immediately before it spreads even more and becomes uncontrollable. So, consider getting medical help if you are showing signs of any of the above-mentioned skin diseases.